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How much success do you have with Partner Visas?

We have a very high success rate and the only refusals we have ever had were due to the clients been in a fraudulent relationship and providing bogus documents which were discovered by the Department of Immigration.


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We have an ex-case officer from the Department of Immigration that used to assess partner visa applications working on our team. He brings a lot of experience and insights into the assessments of the applications.


How much experience do you have with Immigration?

I have been doing immigration-related work for 15 years.


Are you Licenced and Registered with the Office of the Migration Agents Registration Authority(OMARA)?

Yes registration 1465541


What is your total cost (+ GST) for a Partner Visa Application through you?

$2,400. We are cheaper as partner visas are our niche.


   May we pay you by Credit Card?



Are there any extra costs from you for the Partner Visa?

No. Only if fraudulent documents are provided or health issues/criminal issues appear which were not mentioned at the time of application.


How do you handle the process with us?

I manage the application from start to finish. It's really more of a project management role than a fill in the forms and submit role. This is because we submit at the time of application what we need to get you into the queue and then continuously provide evidence throughout the processing time. This way the case officer will have as much evidence as possible in front of them when they open the case.


Do you regularly communicate with us?

In the initial stages, every day or so until the application is lodged. After that, it is usually every 1-2 months for you to provide evidence.


How do you help us to prepare a visa application?

We provide you statements/templates and checklists of the documents needed. We provide commentary on these and suggest edits if necessary.


How do you help us to submit a successful Visa application?

We manage the project from start to finish and this is what we do all day every day as partner visas are our niche. We know what the case officers like to see and what they do not.

For example, a client came to us after a refusal for us to take on their case to the tribunal. The main reason they were refused was that they took a chat history dump from Whatsapp and provided this to the case officer. In the hundreds of pages of chat history the case officer found a fight they had and decided their relationship was not strong enough and refused the visa. We mitigate your risk against these kinds of mistakes. 


Do you provide us ongoing advice about our Visa application?

Yes, most of it is at the start prior to application followed by ongoing support if necessary. 


Do you help prepare documents in connection with the sponsorship of the visa applicant and advise the sponsor?

We provide you with one questionnaire which we developed which is used by us to gather the necessary information from both the applicant and sponsor. We then use this information to provide you with a draft application for your perusal and commentary prior to submission.


How do you handle the process with Australian Immigration?

We act as your agent but what that really means is that we are your representative. We do not provide your contact details on any paperwork, only ours. This avoids immigration calling out of the blue and wanting to have an interview with you suddenly questioning the evidence and probing for details. We handle the whole process from start to finish.


Are you with us on the journey from preparation to submitting to follow up to completion?

From pre-application to visa decision


To confirm, how your processing would work is as follows:


1. When you decide to proceed, sign the contract and pay the invoice for 50% deposit into our client trust account.


2. We will send through a questionnaire form, which you can fill out electronically online or in a Word document (some people have to refer to friends/family for some information and the online form is not saveable, hence, preference may be given to a Word file which you can save and go back to later on).


3. In addition to the form, we send you templates for your statements, templates of what the evidence should look like and checklists for the right evidence.


4. Out of the above, we require the form and copies of your passport bio pages to begin our processing. To submit we require this as well as certain witness statements and depending on your relationship status, proof of your relationship. This would generally be a marriage/relationship certificate or details of your de facto relationship been more than 12 months old.


5. We show you the draft application and request your comments/questions/corrections.


6. We submit the application. This is when the $8,850 fee is payable and our service fee balance of 50% is payable.


7. We send you a copy of the application acknowledgement and the bridging visa (if onshore application).


In addition to this we will send you health check requests. You can do these several months after the application has been submitted. The cost is roughly $400.


If you applied onshore and you wish to travel you need to inform us a few weeks in advance and we apply for a bridging visa B with travel rights on your behalf. The cost of this is $155, our service fee for our time is $45 - making it $200. We do not include this in our general service fee's as some people never require this service.


8. Throughout the processing time, you continuously provide evidence which we upload to the case. Generally, this is done following our templates every 1-2 months.


9. The case officer will open the case and request any further evidence they may need or clarifications regarding what has already been provided. The case officer contacts us and we liaise with them on your behalf.


10. The visa is processed and finalized.

Registered Migration Agent 1465541

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